English version
We offer courses in political and cultural education for people who speak German as a second language. In a relaxed atmosphere, you get to know the city and its people. We visit exhibitions in museums, and deal with politics, economics, science, art and culture.
We read texts, discuss, watch films and find answers to many questions. We explore different places in the Hamburg metropolitan region and you learn new aspects about politics, history and society – and train your German along the way!
We offer our topics in various formats: For example, there are weekend courses, short online seminars and Bildungsurlaube lasting several days. According to the Hamburg Act about Bildungsurlaube, all employees have a legal right to 5 days of educational leave per year – in addition to your annual vacation! You must apply to your employer for your participation at least 6 weeks before the start. The topic of the educational leave does not have to have anything to do with your professional activity. The seminar must be recognised officially as Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit in the federal state in which your employer is located.
Hamburg-Kurse are offered by the Volkshochschulverein Hamburg-Ost e.V. in cooperation with the VHS – Adult Education Center (Hamburger Volkshochschule). The Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Hamburg provides financial support for the seminars.